Microservices - A Practical Guide

Principles, Concepts, and Recipes


The book contains a lot of code examples that explain specific concepts. All projects are available on GitHub. The projects always contain a HOW-TO-RUN.md file showing step-by-step instructions on how the examples can be installed and started. The examples are independent of each other, so you can start with any one of them.

Crimson Assurance is a example for a frontend integration with basic concepts like links and JavaScript-based integration on the client. How to run explains how to run the example.

Edge Side Includes (ESI) (Chapter 9)

The ESI example shows how Edge Side Includes (ESI) can be used to integrate the UI of microservices. On microservice is written in Java with Spring Boot, the other one with Go. The Go microservices is built using multi stage Docker containers. How to run gives a step by step guide how to run the example.

Kafka (Chapter 11)

The Kafka example uses Kafka for communication. Kafka is a message-oriented middleware and allows systems to send messages to one another. How to run contains all information to run the example.

REST and Atom (Chapter 12)

This example uses REST / HTTP for asynchronous communication with the Atom format. The file How to run explains how to run the example.

Netflix Stack (Chapter 14)

The Netflix example uses the Netflix stack. The example is written in Java with Spring Cloud / Boot. It uses Netflix Eureka for service discovery, Netflix Zuul for routing, Hystrix for resilience and Ribbon for load balancing. How to run shows how the example can be run.

Consul and Apache httpd (Chapter 15)

The Consul example is written in Java with Spring Cloud / Boot. The example uses Consul for service discovery, Apache httpd for routing, Hystrix for resilience and Ribbon for load balancing. How to run shows how the example can be run.

Kubernetes (Chapter 17)

Kubernetes is a system to run Docker containers in a cluster. The Kubernetes example is written in Java with Spring Cloud / Boot. It uses Kubernetes for service discovery, routing and load balancing. The example also uses Hystrix for resilience. The code does not depend on Kubernetes. How to run explains how to install Kubernetes and run the example.

Cloud Foundry (Chapter 18)

Cloud Foundry is a PaaS. It provides an application with an environment to run in. The Cloud Foundry example is written in Java with Spring Cloud / Boot. Uses Cloud Foundry for deployment, service discovery, routing and load balancing. The example also uses Hystrix for resilience. The code does not depend on Cloud Foundry. How to run explains in detail how to run the example.

Monitoring with Prometheus (Chapter 20)

The Consul example mentioned above also provides a Prometheus installation for monitoring.

Log Analysis with Elastic Stack (Chapter 21)

The Consul example mentioned above also contains an installation of the Elastic stack for log analysis.

Tracing with Zipkin (Chapter 22)

Zipkin can be used to trace calls between microservices. It is also part of the Consul example mentioned above.

Service Mesh with Istio (Chapter 23)

The Istio example extends the Atom example above to use the Istio service mesh. This supports monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana, tracing with Jaeger, Logging with Elasticsearch and Kibana, and also resilience with retries, timeouts and circuit breaker. How to run explains how to run the example and install Istio on Kubernetes.